I have a sore throat. So now, what can I do? If you already have a sore throat, the main thing is to be patient. In a few days it will be better.
8-12 years
Our geographical situation and our climate enable us to spend a lot of time outdoors where it’s easy to get bitten by small animals, mostly insects or creepy-crawlies. Their bites can be unpleasant.
The sun is the closest star to Earth. Therefore, sun protection is important since its effects may be more harmful than we think.
A child gets a cough about eight times a year, on average; that means…
We must washing our hands for the sake of our health.To keep ourselves healthy and fit.If we don’t wash our hands, dirt will build up on them.
A wound is the result of an aggression to the skin and adjacent and subcutaneous tissues. They may be minor or major, depending on how they occurred.
Aphthae are round or oval small wounds that appear in your mouth. They are also called sores or ulcers. Usually they are 2 to 8 mm in diameter.
What are burns? How can we avoid burning ourselves? Fire burns, the sun burns, electricity burns, and cold…Yes, yes, cold also burns!
Lice are small insects. A louse typically measures between 2 and 4 mm, and although they are small indeed, they are equipped with all they need.
Our body is at a temperature between 35.8ºC and 37.2ºC. Sometimes, this temperature goes up. When it goes above 37.8ºC, we say that we have a fever.