So that your back does not “complain”, it is important that you know that the best school backpack for you is one with two wide shoulder-straps and a belt for tying it.
La varicel·la és una malaltia eruptiva (surten taques vermelles a la pell) i contagiosa. La varicel·la la provoca un virus de la família dels herpes.
I have a sore throat. So now, what can I do? If you already have a sore throat, the main thing is to be patient. In a few days it will be better.
Our geographical situation and our climate enable us to spend a lot of time outdoors where it’s easy to get bitten by small animals, mostly insects or creepy-crawlies. Their bites can be unpleasant.
The Sun is life, and to enjoy it fully we must always use sun protection. Protective creams should be applied 30 minutes before sunbathing.
The sun is the closest star to Earth. Therefore, sun protection is important since its effects may be more harmful than we think.
Una ferida és el resultat d’una agressió a la pell i als teixits adjacents i subcutanis. Tindrà més o menys importància segons com s’hagi produït.
A child gets a cough about eight times a year, on average; that means…
Your body temperature is usually between 36.5 and 37 degrees centigrade. When this temperature goes over 37.8º or a bit more, you have a fever.
We must washing our hands for the sake of our health.To keep ourselves healthy and fit.If we don’t wash our hands, dirt will build up on them.