Biel is six and his parents make him wear a mask. Biel has a…
Our body is at a temperature between 35.8ºC and 37.2ºC. Sometimes, this temperature goes up. When it goes above 37.8ºC, we say that we have a fever.
A vaccine is a preparation that causes your body to produce antibodies which will make you immune to a disease. Antibodies? Immune?
We mosquitoes bite you boys and girls and make you scratch. Quite frequently here, and even more so in the summer,but there are other animals too that sting
Núria has scabs all over her body. They are very itchy! Núria is ill:…
Chickenpox is an eruptive illness (you get red blotches on your skin) and it is contagious. Chickenpox is caused by a virus of the herpes family.
Snot is a thick, gooey, sticky substance produced in some parts of our body. Poses no risk to your health, but it may be annoying.