El mal de coll és una molèstia, dolor o picor que fa que sigui difícil empassar. Amb prou feines pot menjar, beure, parlar, cantar i, fins i tot, en alguns moments respirar.
Travel sickness!! When you lose your balance, you get sick. Everything starts spinning and you end up horribly sick and vomiting.
A wound is the result of an aggression to the skin and adjacent and subcutaneous tissues. They may be minor or major, depending on how they occurred.
Quan el nostre equilibri s’altera,per una accelerada del cotxe, per les corbes, o una aturada sobtada, el nostre cos s’atabala i el resultat n’és el mareig.
Què és una picada? Diem que una bestiola -normalment és un insecte- ens ha “picat” quan ens injecta un verí a la pell a través del fibló.
Vaccines are made from germs that can cause the disease, and their job is to get our body’s natural defences working to protect us against the infection.
You must wash your hands very often every day, even though you don’t think it necessary. Certainly much more often than you do now.
Aphthae are round or oval small wounds that appear in your mouth. They are also called sores or ulcers. Usually they are 2 to 8 mm in diameter.
What are burns? How can we avoid burning ourselves? Fire burns, the sun burns, electricity burns, and cold…Yes, yes, cold also burns!
Lice are small insects. A louse typically measures between 2 and 4 mm, and although they are small indeed, they are equipped with all they need.