Colds in fact are produced by more than 100 different types of viruses that invade people through the airways (nose and mouth).
Roger has a sore throat. Every time he tries to swallow a bite of…
La incidència més gran de l’acne vulgar es presenta durant l’adolescència, entre els 12 i els 20 anys. I apareix abans en les noies que en els nois.
Snot is not pleasant, specially if it runs down your face. But it is also very useful. It helps us to not get sick.
Have you ever had a runny nose?
Els mocs són una alarma que té el nostre cos per avisar que tenim una infecció. Sovint apareixen quan estem constipats, tenim la grip,…
What are aphthae? Something has appeared on Marina’s cheek that was not there before.…
Al rentar-te les dents, no es pot anar de pressa i corrents, sinó que cal seguir una sèrie de passos que, tot plegat, et poden ocupar tres minuts.
La tos s’encarrega de defensar el cos d’intrusos i d’enemics interns. També ajuda a tenir l’aparell respiratori en condicions.
Caries is an infectious disease that can destroy all of our teeth if not treated properly. What can cause us to have caries?
What is a cold? A cold is a minor infection of viral origin which generally affects the respiratory tract, that is, the nose and throat.